
11 July 2011

Nak Oreo Chesee Cake Bole?

Wish for my Birthday.....

pic from : google

Hope someone can make@bake me an oreo chese cake.... or buy for me !

Pleaseeeeeeee i want a OREO CHESE CAKE......for my birthday.
Really :(

*sebenarnya tak suka makan kek,tapi kalo oreo chese cake ni....tetiba jadi peberet plak
(ada sape2 tau kenapa tak?)


  1. happy birthday to you. :)

    dah dapat ke mkn oreo cheesecake tu? :)

  2. thanks GB...

    blom dapat lagi kerna my birthday dlm 2,3 hari lagi.hehehe..
    mengharap ada org nk bagi on that day ;)
    ada ke?


Sila sila jemput, jangan memalu yer...